Welcome to the India Water Week 2024;
Acceptance of new abstracts has been CLOSED.;;
A state-of-the-art exhibition encompassing 2,400 square metres area for sale with a total area of 4,800 square metres at Hall No. 12-A, Pragati Maidan, New Delhi ;
Sponsorship options available - Partner States, Platinum, Gold, Silver;

Main Theme: Partnership and cooperation for inclusive water development and management

Sub-themes and Topics for Seminar / Panel Discussion

Collaboration and Cooperation for Water Security

  • Public Private Partnership (PPP) for Efficient Water Management in Urban and Rural Areas.

  • Need for Cooperation and Coordination for Water Security keeping in view of the Climate Change Scenario.

  • Synergizing Cooperation Across Boundaries

  • From Water Conflicts to Cooperation.

Integrated Water Resources Development & Management

  • Integrated planning and conjunctive use of Surface Water and Ground Water.

  • Role of Inter Basin Water Transfer in Water Resources Development.

  • Inclusive Water Planning.

  • Issues in Water Scarcity and way forward.

  • Water Quality — Issues and Challenges.

  • Knowledge Transfer and Skill Development in Water Sector.

  • Designing Optimal Cropping Pattern for Efficient Water Resource Utilization.

Challenges in Water Sector Infrastructure

  • Expansion of Micro Irrigation Infrastructure.

  • Water Infrastructure Development – Technological, Ecological, Financial Challenges etc.

  • Waste Water Management — Recycle, Reuse and Circular Economy.

  • Operation and Management of Water Assets and Infrastructure

  • Source Sustainability -Irrigation, Domestic Use etc.

  • Water Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH).

  • Improvement in Water Use Efficiency in Existing Water Infrastructure.

Risk and New Approaches to Climate Resilience

  • Role of Advanced Technologies in Water Security.

  • Managing Climate Uncertainty in Water Sector.

  • Risks in Water Sector due to Climate Change.

  • Utility of Artificial Intelligence and Geospatial Tools for Decision Making.

  • Vulnerability of Water Bodies, Spring, Glaciers etc. due to Climate Change.

  • Participatory Precision Water Management for Ensuring Water Security.

Ground Water Sustainability and Management

  • Ground Water Assessment — Tools & Techniques.

  • Challenges in Sustainable Management of Ground Water.

  • Water Security Plans at Local Level.

  • Ground Water Quality Related Challenges and Solutions.

  • Ground Water Management Plans.

Water governance and financing

  • Water Infrastructures — Financing and Operation & Maintenance Models.

  • Role of Policy in Water Security.

  • Convergence of Various Stakeholders in Water Sector.

  • Beneficiaries’ Participation in Water Planning and Management.

  • Role of Women in Management of Water Resources.

  • Social Equity and Inclusion in the Water Sector.

  • Harnessing Traditional Knowledge for Water Conservation.

  • Institutional Water Regulation Mechanism.

Water related Disasters and its Management

  • Glacial Lake Outburst Flood Risks and Mitigation

  • Challenges in Management of Floods & Droughts

  • National Disaster Managements Policies and Action Plan.

  • Risk to Water Infrastructure due to Hydrological Changes in view of Climate Change and it’s Management.

  • Coastal Area Management Contingency Plans and Post-Disaster Management Interventions for Smallholder Agriculture

  • Contingency Plans and Post-Disaster Management Interventions for Smallholder Agriculture